PRX Designs

PRX Designs
Where authencity exists

Many of us or our family members or relatives have suffered or are suffering on the quite as victims of domestic violence. This project holds deep significance for me, as it addresses a serious issue that requires our collective attention in order to combat domestic violence against innocent individuals. As a UX designer leading the app and responsive website design from conception to delivery here. I created an app focused on community domestic violence protection to address the urgent need for accessible resources and support for victims. The app aims to provide swift assistance to victims within their local neighborhoods, offering essential aid such as shelter, financial support, food, legal guidance, and emergency medical assistance. Through this app, my goal is to contribute to the well-being and safety of individuals affected by domestic violence, making a positive impact on society As UX designers, we possess the opportunity to effect positive change in society through our design ideas, and it is imperative that we approach this endeavor with utmost dedication.


Design a dedicated mobile app and a complementary responsive website focused on driving social good, from start to finish.


So here I decided to work on a real challenge which is community-based. I decided to develop an app to bring awareness and help people with domestic violence. An app where the community is there to help each other in times of need. An app that teaches self-defense, yoga for mental health, emergency number lines, etc. Design an application for social good.


Haven community wants to design an app that would provide fast online help shelter and safety for community teams in an emergency. Also bring awareness about legal rights, self-defense, mental health, and financial support. Also, gives a platform to the abuse survivors to work as volunteers inspiring the other victims to take charge of their lives.


After a detailed study of types of abuses, victims, and survivors and collecting data from various sources about the topic. I used Haven’s data on domestic violence protection abuse to develop interview questions which were then used for my Preliminary Survey. I gathered my neighborhood community group to fill out a preliminary survey questionnaire. After my research, I found most people were hesitant, scared, nervous, and embarrassed to talk about their abuse to anyone. After my research, I observed most people were hesitant, scared, nervous, and embarrassed to even share their stories. It was also noticed that they were confident using an app that could help them while maintaining their privacy.

Preliminary survey findings

The questions used in the research were:

1. Do you feel safe at home?

2. Do you feel there is no one in the community to help you?

3. What obstacles stop you from asking for help?

4. What would you like the app to have an emergency rescue feature with?

5. Do think you need an app to know your legal rights?


“There is no one to help me get out of my situation.”

Anna Williams

Age: 25.
Education: B. A (hons).
Hometown: New York, New York.
Family: Married.
Occupation: House wife.


Anna is a 25-year-old married woman. She lives in New York with her.
a husband who has been physically, emotionally, and financially abusing
her. She cannot reach anyone, her family or friends as she feels she doesn’t want to burden them with her problems. She wishes to divorce.
her husband and lead a normal happy life but are too afraid to step out as
he keeps a vigilant eye on her freedom. She only has access to her phone.
and that too is monitored by him. She is quietly searching for some app.
on the phone where she might find help.


• Free herself from her husband’s abuse.
• Financially independent.
• Someone to guide in court matters.
• To find a secret shelter till I am back on my feet.
• Learn self-defense.


Can’t find a service center that understands my privacy. None of the services have a fast help button within the society. Feels there is no one to talk to for help.

“Standing alone is better than standing with someone who hurts you.”


Richa Goel is a 48-year-old domestic violence survivor. She is an activist who is trying to reach out to the IPV (intimate partner victims) bringing about abuse awareness. Teaching people about ways to strengthen themselves through knowledge about laws to protect themselves, self-defense techniques, and finances.
aid methods from society, shelter, and more. She tries to tell people her own story of survival in order to inspire the victims that be strong and believe in themselves there is hope always.


• Share her personal story to inspire others.
• Reach out to a larger crowd to help bring awareness about types of abuse.
• Find ways to educate people to stand up for


• Wants to join a social help app to help as many people as possible as a volunteer.
• Wants victims to know that they are not alone.
• Wants to introduce the victims to laws, self-defense, and mental health to protect themselves.

Richa Goel

Age: 48.
Education: MA in political science.
Hometown: New York, New York.
Family: Divorced.
Occupation: Domestic violence advocate.

Richa Goel

Age: 48.
Education: MA in political science.
Hometown: New York, New York.
Family: Divorced.
Occupation: Domestic violence advocate.


Richa Goel is a 48-year-old domestic violence survivor. She is an activist who is trying to reach out to the IPV (intimate partner victims) bringing about abuse awareness. Teaching people about ways to strengthen themselves through knowledge about laws to protect themselves, self-defense techniques, and finances.
aid methods from society, shelter, and more. She tries to tell people her own story of survival in order to inspire the victims that be strong and believe in themselves there is hope always.


• Share her personal story to inspire others.
• Reach out to a larger crowd to help bring awareness about types of abuse.
• Find ways to educate people to stand up for


• Wants to join a social help app to help as many people as possible as a volunteer.
• Wants victims to know that they are not alone.
• Wants to introduce the victims to laws, self-defense, and mental health to protect themselves.

Problem statements

Anna Williams is an abused housewife who needs a community help app on her phone in case of emergency because she needs protection from her husband and someone to help her come out of her situation.

Richa Goel is a domestic violence survivor who needs to join a community help website as a volunteer because she wants to tell her story to inspire others and give them courage and legal support.

Journey map


How might we create a tool where the victims can easily ask for help and get rescued in an emergency?

Digital wireframes

Low fidelity prototype

Usability study details

Research questions

1. How long does it take to log in, add location, and fill out a referral?

2. What can I learn from the user about ow the users use to get emergency shelter help house help or join as a volunteer in the community help option?

3. Do the users get stuck in any part of the user flow when the users are filing the referral?

4. Are there more features users would like to be included in the app?

5. What do users think is the app easy or difficult to use?

6. Are the users and receiving confirmation methods convenient?


1. Participants mainly the victims and volunteers.

2. In this study I used 2 user groups who would be using this app.

3. 3 male and 4 female.


1. Unmoderated study

2. Conducted Remote

3. Interview questions with prompts

Affinity diagram

Before and after usability

High fidelity mock ups

High fidelity prototype

Accesibility consideration

I ensured to create a simple and clear layout for users to understand. Very visible elements for those who need to magnify the screen.

An easy-to-follow app with clear indicators. Consistency throughout the app. The button clearly labels, a clear menu bar for the users to explore the app quickly and easily.

Simple and consistent formatting for dyslexic users and those with impaired vision.


Responsive designs


The app left a great impact on the users, they appreciated the idea of having a community app to help solve the victims in danger. One of our users also stated, “I like the idea of having a feeling of security of protection available just pressing a few buttons in an app and a community team that is so caring.”

Final designs

Next steps

Conduct research on how successful the app is in achieving its goal bringing about safety and rescuing the victims in emergency. A goal to make the victims feel they have a community with them that they are not alone and unsafe.

Add more free facilities for the victims and survivors to have better mental health, financial stability, knowledge regarding legal rights, etc.

Providing incentives to volunteers for participating and helping the victims. Creating a fast network option in the app for the victims segregated as per the type of abuse so that they can relate to each other and can be of comfort and support for each other after being rescued.

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