PRX Designs

PRX Designs
Where authencity exists

Fresh Sandwiches

Our health plays a very vital role in our quality of life. Sometimes people who are health conscious want to prepare nutritious balanced meals but are unable to do so due to various reasons like poor health, physical ailments, and lack of time. I feel the quickest way to healthy wholesome meals could be nice vegetables, organic meat, good grain bread sandwich when on the run. Many of us love to eat sandwiches as opposed to burgers. So this project is mainly for all the sandwich lovers out there.

The project took about six months to complete and I played the role of the UX designer. My responsibilities included Conducting interviews, wireframing, to low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability Studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.

Challenge: Create an easy to use with fast userflow online sandwich ordering app for a local sandwich shop in New York targeting users who are mainly retired, have physical disabilities, or busy students.


Solution: an app with a speech-to-text feature that can help people who have arthritis pain in their hands and cannot type easily or people who are driving can order their food to reach their destination on time. Fast auto-fill pre-loaded address and credit card details for a faster ordering process.


Research: During the research, I tried to understand the specific issues that my user groups may have during ordering, scheduling deliveries, and payment, as well as how I can help them in solving those obstacles.


Research Questions included:

  • How long does it take a user to select and order customized sandwiches in the app?
  • What can I learn from the user flow the users use to order sandwiches on the app?
  • Do the users get stuck in any parts of the user flow to order sandwiches?
  • Are there more features the users would like to see included in the app?
  • What do the users think is the app easy or difficult to use?



The research includes:

5 participants 

Participants between the ages of 20–75 who reside in metropolitan and suburb areas. Participants order frequently. They are all healthy sandwich lovers. Due to busy work schedules some of them want healthy food options for their family but cannot cook due to health problems.



25-30 minutes, virtual, moderated, users were asked to order sandwiches on low fidelity prototype.



HMV: how might we create a tool where volunteers can order healthy and fresh online sandwiches fast and easily?


Design, test, iterate I held numerous testing sessions to ensure that the product was usable and well-received by the users.

Affinity diagram preparations.
I had really fun doing this exercise.

Digital wireframe.

Low-Fidelity Prototype.

High-Fidelity Prototype.

Final product.


The app makes users feel like Fresh Sandwiches really considers the pain points of users. Like not being able to type due to arthritis in hands or fast payment features due to customers’ tight schedules. One quote from peer feedback:

“Very satisfied with the speech-to-text option in the app.”

What I learned:

Designing the Fresh Sandwiches app, I learned that while designing we must consider the pain points of all our users.

Thank you.

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